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Stage 1 Water Restrictions Update


1422 West Drive/P. O. Box 73

Kingsland, Texas 78639

(325) 388-6611 Fax (325) 388-6135 Email kwscmail@kingslandwater.org





June 5, 2024


Recent rains have provided some relief to the drought conditions in the Texas Hill Country.  The combined storage of Lake Buchanan and Lake Travis are now above 1.1 million acre-feet of water allowing LCRA to amend their drought stage allowing Kingsland water Supply Corporation to return to Stage 1 restrictions in our Drought Contingency Plan (DCP).


KWSC is asking all members to be mindful of the current drought conditions in the area and look for ways to conserve water.  Please check your plumbing and make sure that there are no leaks which not only waste water but waste money for the customer.  The DCP only allows for once per week outdoor watering by the schedule listed below.  Reminder that we are going into our high water use time and that we are doing everything we can do to help to notify customers of unusually high-water usage patterns and to provide water saving tips.



Reduce Treated Water by 10%

Stage 1 is triggered when KWSC delivers water at the rate of 85% capacity for three consecutive days or LCRA declares a Stage 1 drought condition. Mandatory watering conditions restrictions will be put in place by the following. If the total combined storage in Lake Buchanan and Lake Travis drops below 1.4 million acre-feet.

Watering restrictions will be put into place as follows. The General Manager will:

  • Require customers to restrict the use of water for outdoor sprinkling, watering of lawns, shrubs, driveways, and washing of automobiles.
  • Inform the public through the news media that the Stage 1 trigger condition has been reached because of emergency water conditions in the KWSC system or low lake levels, and that they should look for ways to voluntarily reduce water use.
  • Notify major water users of the situation and water use restrictions.

The following lawn water schedule will be required:

  1. Business, Churches, apartments, duplexes, or multifamily dwellings irrigation schedule is on Monday between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 10:00 a.m. and between 7:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight. Hand watering with a hose is allowed anytime.
  2. Residential with a physical address ending in an even number irrigation schedule is on Tuesday between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 10:00 a.m. and between 7:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight. Hand watering with a hose is allowed anytime.
  3. Residential with a physical address ending in an odd number irrigation schedule is on Wednesday between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 10:00 a.m. and between 7:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight. Hand watering with a hose is allowed anytime.
  4. No irrigation between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
  5. Irrigation should be monitored to avoid run-off on the pavement, sidewalk, or adjacent property.

Stage 1 Termination: Restrictions will be rescinded by the General Manager when all the conditions listed as triggering events have ceased to exist. KWSC will notify the public, wholesale customers, and media of the termination of Stage 1 or elevation to Stage 2 in the same manner outlined previously under Information and Education Program.


In the spirit of cooperation, KWSC encourages property owners to adhere to the LCRA’s restrictions.  Please refer to LCRA’s website for details (www.LCRA.org). In recognizing the severe drought conditions, and again in the spirit of cooperation, members using well water for irrigation are requested to follow the same LCRA suggested watering schedule.  We appreciate your cooperation.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call the KWSC office at (325) 388-6611.


Leonard Leinfelder

General Manager